Abandoned Vermont: Sudbury House

Located in Sudbury, Vermont, this house is barely noticeable if you aren’t looking for it. It sits on a hill with a beautiful view.

On the hill.

Located in Sudbury, Vermont.

The paint on the side elevations has weathered much faster than that on the front facade. You can see clearly in this image that the ell had other additions (probably covered bays for equipment or vehicle storage).

That porch is barely hanging on to the house; its posts are scattered elsewhere. You can also see the wood windows and wood storms intact.

Front porch detail. These Italiante porches would have been added later, probably at the same time the windows and doors were replaced.

View to the main block from the ell. Note the different window styes.

Window on the ell with a 12/12 sash, and working shutters. These are seen on the rear elevations – they were replaced by the 2/2 sashes on the more visible sides, which was common practice.

View looking through the sidelights from the porch. From the looks of it, at least some of this house has been modernized and perhaps not abandoned for too long.

Though in need of repair, this one strikes me as an abandoned house (or neglected house) that stands a chance if someone acts soon. What potential! Do you have any information about the status of this house?

22 thoughts on “Abandoned Vermont: Sudbury House

  1. Jim says:

    A house much like this stands more or less around the corner from me on one of Indiana’s most historic roads. Indiana Landmarks acquired it after it had been abandoned, put covenants on it to preserve it, and then offered it for sale. They ended up selling it to a couple for all of $35,000 so they could borrow against the home’s full value to do a restoration. Does Vermont have an organization analogous to our Indiana Landmarks? http://www.indianalandmarks.org

    • Frank says:

      Jim, Are you referring to the house on Michigan, north of downtown? I used to work in the central office and often wonder about the properties they’ve purchased. I probably showed that house a half-dozen times but it never sold while I worked there.

  2. Tegan says:

    How lovely! I do love the eerieness of old abandoned houses. I would love to see how this would look after some love and care though.

  3. Bill says:

    I grew up in Orwell and Brandon and remember this house….it was lived in when I was a lot younger…..don’t know by who….but seeing this brings back all kinds of good memories from that area!. For example…Traverse VT-73 toward Orwell, after a few miles, there will be a road on your right called Fisher Road, then after a few miles, a hard Right onto Shorhem Depot road…cross the bridge and park on your left….just down the path opens up to a good sized Train Tressel that was built in the 1800’s for the Shorhem RailRoad….used to go to a Train Station/Depot on North Orewll Road which is now McGuire’s Garage. A LOT of history in that neck of the woods

  4. Beth says:

    This house is owned by the Mulcahy family and until about 15 years ago they lived there. The old folks are both dead now, but their children live in the local area, two within one mile of this house. It was originally the Hawkins Farm and in the late 1700’s, when the First Congregational Society of Sudbury was first established (1791) worship services were held in the “northwest corner room” (front room on first picture and those arriving for these services would have been greeted in the foyer / stair area). The winter services were held in the house, the summer services were held in “the middle barn” to the rear of the house (long since gone).

    • Kaitlin says:

      Beth, thank you for sharing the story of this house. I’ve been wondering about it. I often assume that’s the story of these abandoned buildings: parents or grandparents pass away and there’s no one who actually wants to keep up the house. So sad.

  5. Gail says:

    This beautiful old house is now for sale by the Mulcahy estate, and the family would love to see the house restored. It needs a lot of TLC, and would make a beautiful home – the views from this property are amazing. The house and barn come with 86 acres plus there is additional acerage for sale if someone wanted to have a horse ranch, or get back into farming. I would be happy to share more information or pictures of the property if you are interested.

  6. Gail Blas says:

    I’m happy to report that this old beautiful house has been purchased and will be restored! Foundation work has begun and once spring arrives I’m sure things will progress more quickly! We are very happy that we found the right people who fell in love with the house and property. Gail

    • Kaitlin says:

      That is excellent news, and warms my heart. Thank you for sharing, Gail. If the property owners are interested in sharing their story, please send them my way. PiP would love to highlight such great work.

      • Fred Broda says:

        Kaitlin, my name is Fred Broda. I purchased the Sudbury property this fall. I noticed this property many years ago and shared your concerns for it’s long term prospects. It is a remarkably beautiful place. Your web sight and story were instrumental in motivating me to follow through on this restoration.

        The foundation was in critical shape, but is now in the process of being replaced. Special attention will be paid to replacing the original stones once the structural work is completed this spring.

        This house needs much work, but owing to it’s substantial post and beam construction it was a solid candidate for restoration. With the foundation work, a couple of rear sills have been replaced. The house has been fully raised to perform this work. Not a sight for the faint of heart.

        I’m looking forward to warmer days ahead, getting the house back on it’s foundation, and completing other important aspects of the restoration.

        I’m happy to have you follow up on your story as this Sudbury work progresses. Your web site is very perceptive, and a pleasure to view. I enjoyed the story on Middleburg VA. This town is loaded with history and quality architecture. My family had colonial roots there before moving West after the Civil War.


        Fred Broda

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