Swanton Railroad Depot Museum

Swanton, VT is located in Franklin County, the northwest corner of Vermont (further north than St. Albans). From Swanton, you are extremely close to Canada. If you are visiting northwest Vermont (Franklin, Grand Isle, Chittenden counties) an excellent place to stop is the Swanton Railroad Depot Museum. It has a fascinating story to accompany it. In brief (find out more when you visit), the Swanton Depot was at risk of demolition, but a group of community members (Swanton On the Move!) moved the depot down the tracks (between freight trains passing through). The depot has been restored and is a museum. Also on the museum grounds is the foundation of a roundhouse as well as a train caboose and a historic toll keeper’s house from the Missisquoi Bay Bridge.

Swanton Depot.

Part of the display at the museum. It is full of pictures and transportation artifacts.

The restored interior and the agent's office.

The gable screen on the depot.

The bridges across the Missisquoi River that lead from the town center to the Depot Museum. This bridge replaces the longest covered railroad bridge in the country that burned in 1987. A two span Pennsylvania truss bridge was moved from Milton to Swanton.

The Missisquoi Bay Bridge toll keeper's house that was relocated to the museum grounds.

The depot and the truss bridge.

The museum and grounds are lovingly cared for by the Swanton Historical Society. Admission is free, but donations are greatly appreciated as the historical society pays for its own utilities, upkeep, and everything. It is worth a visit, I promise. Also in that region of Vermont is the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail. Summer is the best time of year to be in Vermont!

4 thoughts on “Swanton Railroad Depot Museum

  1. Kenton Russell Loyd says:

    Judy and I love all things pertaining to old railroads. In fact, I’ve lived within the sound of a train whistle all my life. I also love railroad folklore and folksongs and share them every chance I get. A part of our national experience that is well worth preserving. Thank you, thank you!

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