Articles + Categories

Again, a call for articles for the June 2009 issue of Preservation in Pink. Need article ideas? I would like to see a few articles/essays (or even short paragraph responses) that can answer one or more of these questions:

1. Why do you love historic preservation?

2. How do you think historic preservation can “save the world”?

3. How do you describe historic preservation to those who are unfamiliar with the field?

4. Why does historic preservation matter?

5. What are the drawbacks of historic preservation?

These questions have been answered by the National Trust and other organizations, each in their own way; however, these are subjects that deserve thought and consideration from everyone in the field. 

Other articles:

1. Traveling as a preservation (or as a non-preservationist)

2. How has the environment + sustainability movement touched your life?

3. Work stories and experience

4. Preservation home projects from organizing your family archives to restoring a historic house

This is not an inclusive list – all other ideas are welcome, from conventional to unconventional, photographs and other artwork included.


On a different note, I have been working to clean up the categories of all of the posts. You’ll notice changes on the categories sidebar for the next week or so. In the end, it should be more user friendly for finding what you want on Preservation in Pink.


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