Schoolhouses for Laura

In honor of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday – February 7, 1867 – here is a collection of schoolhouses from around the United States. Here are some of Laura’s houses in South Dakota & Kansas & Missouri, the Ingalls Homestead in South Dakota and in Wisconsin.

Laura Ingalls remains one of my favorite authors and historical figures. Happy Birthday, Laura.


5 thoughts on “Schoolhouses for Laura

  1. Ann Cousins says:

    Very Cool!! Thank you, Kaitlin!
    ps…the schoohouse in East Poultney has a new and beautiful polychrome paint scheme. I’ll try to send you a photo. Thanks, again!

  2. cevminneapolis says:

    Love school houses! We’ve got lots of those in Minnesota of course. Laura spent some time here as well! There is a museum dedicated to her in Walnut Grove. Thanks for sharing.

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