Abandoned Vermont: Chester Depot Inn

In the picturesque town of Chester, this former inn sits filled neglected and seemingly filled to the brim with forgotten belongings. Constructed in 1810, additions are visible in the building’s massing. Note the two end chimneys, which are currently not “end” chimneys (meaning as it sounds, at the end of a structure, as opposed to in the center, for example). The gable front section on the right is a later addition, as is the one (or two maybe) sections on the right – being the garage bays and the three bays to the right of that.

Chester, VT

The most impressive scenes of this building are of the front entrance and its details.

Front entrance. Some of the glass in the fanlight is broken, but it’s no less impressive.

Leaded fanlight, with wood quoins around the door to give the impression of masonry.

Door detail – wood panels slotted into the rails.

Door detail.

Building debris located to the left of the house.

Rear porch.

Windows resting on the back porch.

Rear of the house, the gable front addition, overtaken with foliage.

Sunlight on the side elevation offers a glimpse to the happier days of this property.

Anyone know any more about this house?

18 thoughts on “Abandoned Vermont: Chester Depot Inn

  1. Ellen Skonberg says:

    Once again, a beautiful old place once loved by many and now sad and forgotten, the door details are especially details beautiful. The front facade doesn’t look too bad (relatively speaking) but when you move to the rear facade it’s a whole different story; the neglect is most evident here. So sad.

    • Paula Sagerman says:

      Oh my God, Ann, I can’t believe it, that is horrible. I’m glad I’ve been warned before the next time I drive through the stone village.

      Very weird that Kaitlin posted this at this time. Also weird is that a few days ago, possibly even the day it burned, I printed a photo of the doorway (that I took a long time ago) to frame and hang up.

  2. Ann Cousins says:

    It really is awful! With Kelly Tavern gone, we have to work all the harder to safeguard Lyman Tavern in Weathersfield, which is very similar.

  3. Sarah Gilman says:

    Such great photos! Thanks for sharing these. I’ve loved this house since I was little girl, though I never got to see the back side. May I save these, please?
    The section to the left is the original building built in 1805 by Ebenezer Frisk (1770-1815). The left (south) most section is original; just the garage doors are new alterations. There used to be a shed or sorts that made the tavern and the barn one continuous building. The north most “new” section was built by John Kelley in 1867-ish. Kelley was the last person to operate the tavern. If you find a copy of the Chester Historical Society’s recent book, not only is there a page or so write-up and a photo post-1867, there’s another photo in the section about the stone church with a north facing shot of the interconnected buildings and the old Elm trees. If only it was clearer.

    • Paula Sagerman says:

      Thanks for the info, Sarah. I’m glad it was documented in the new book (and with Kaitlin’s photos!) as I just checked the National Register nomination for the historic district and it does not provide any historical details about the tavern.

  4. Lynn says:

    For the last 35 years the Lackie/Brooks house was part of our lives, directly across the street from us. Virginia Brooks and Florence Lackie welcomed us when we moved in with a plate of cookies and an African violet plant in full bloom. We are accustomed to people pulling in and getting out to take pictures from our front lawn. What we never realized was that a lower element of people were sneaking around back, getting inside and ransacking the place since the last resident left. Watching it fully engulfed in flames last week was wrenching and horrific. Feeling the searing heat, we were so grateful to the firefighters who immediately trained a hose on our home, saving it from combustion, even as they fought back the inferno that totally destroyed the once beautiful landmark. I guess ours, built in 1810, is now among the oldest in the Stone Village. Thank you for your story and pictures.

    • Ann Cousins says:

      Lynn, I’m sorry that you and the stone village suffered this loss. What a relief, though, that your home is safe. Thanks for sharing your reaction.

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