Keep Calm and Love Flamingos

I have found the best piece of flamingo art out there. Credit goes to Kerry for finding this on Etsy by Shopkeeper Poster Pop. Keep Calm and Carry On (the original), as well as Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake were my two favorites. However, this one is now in the running for favorite. What a brilliant idea.

Click for Etsy listing.

 LOVE IT. Thank goodness for like-minded flamingo fans.

2 thoughts on “Keep Calm and Love Flamingos

  1. Heidi Clawson says:

    In about the year 2001 or 2002 we stayed at a place called The Pink Flamingo on Siesta Key (Island off of Sarasatoga, FL). They had several guest houses in the immediate area. It was a gas.


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