George Washington

Happy Birthday (February 22nd) to George Washington! According to the Julian calendar, Washington was born Feburary 11, 1731, but according to the Gregorian calendar the day was February 22, 1732.  Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, which is what changed the dates. (It sound extraordinarily complicated to me – to have to change every single date record!?)

George Washington slept here is many sites’ claims to fame. For a few places that you should visit relating to George Washington see Ferry Farm, Kenmore, and Mount Vernon.  See Andrew Deci’s flickr page for a few photographs of his, shared freely under the Creative Commons License.

Kenmore in Fredericksburg, VA was home to Fielding Lewis Betty Washington Lewis, George Washington's sister.

Kenmore in Fredericksburg, VA was home to Fielding Lewis Betty Washington Lewis, George Washington's sister. Photograph by Andrew Deci.

The Bowling Green Side of Mount Vernon, George Washington's home near Washington DC. Photograph by Andrew Deci.

The Bowling Green Side of Mount Vernon, George Washington's home near Washington DC. Photograph by Andrew Deci.

And see this link for a list of places in Virginia where Washington actually did sleep, including places in Yorktown, Fredericksburg, Northern Virginia, and the Shenandoah Valley. Just to clarify, the University of Mary Washington is named for George Washington’s mother, Mary Ball Washington. His wife was Martha Washington.