Beautiful House


This house in Southern Pines is a beautiful example of rehabilitation and renovation. When I moved here 2.5 years ago, this house was completely gutted on the inside, sitting empty for so long, and rumored circulated about who would buy the house and what would happen to it. The rumors were never very positive. While I do not know what the house looks like inside, it’s a beautiful lot in town and a great addition to the neighborhood. And the renovations are respectful to the rest of the historic district. I love this house.



9 thoughts on “Beautiful House

  1. jurij says:

    Is it an American habit to expose a flag out of the house? It’s so nice! In Italy we expose flags to the air only when national football team wins a match! However this house is very beautiful: did you live there?

  2. Kaitlin says:

    It’s so funny that you ask about the flags because I just recently asked a friend who grew up in England (and then moved here) if it was only an American habit to fly flags. He told me that it is not common in the UK at all. Yes, it is very common here in the USA, not only on holidays like Flag Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day – but many people will fly it year round. And businesses such as car dealerships fly huge flags. The flag is a very common symbol here – on clothes, home decor, actual flags, etc.

    Regarding the house, I did not live there, though I wish I did! I just gaze at it from the sidewalk.

    • Kaitlin says:

      I wish I had a before photograph. I’ve seen it when visiting my old town, but have yet to be inside since the renovations. Instead, I just imagine it’s beautiful inside, too.

  3. home, garden, life says:

    Glad that there are still folks around with deep pockets who are willing to take on such a project. Is the house occupied year round or only parts of the year?

  4. Wase Shahin says:

    I love this house and it’s my dream place. I wish to have a house like that. good job and the white color! really nice.

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