Shopping Season: AmazonSmile

Did you avoid Black Friday or embrace it? How about Small Business Saturday? My Instagram and Twitter feeds were overflowing with fun images of local shopping. What will you do for Cyber Monday? In our world, many people shop online because of the wider variety available (basically everything) or the convenience or the prices (sometimes true, sometimes not). Online shopping can mean local businesses or small businesses online, websites like Etsy, or, of course, Amazon.

My confession: I shop online, sometimes at Amazon. It’s easy to find anything. Sigh. It’s conflicting. But, I’d still choose Amazon over Walmart. Does anyone else feel that way? Well, here’s something to make you feel a bit better.

If you’re shopping on Amazon on Cyber Monday (or any day, actually) consider going to Why? Because if you choose a charitable organization, then 0.5% of your purchase will go to that organization. In Vermont, you can choose the Preservation Trust of Vermont. When you choose your charity, type in “preservation” and many organizations come up for your choosing. The trick is to always remember to sign into AmazonSmile. Read the FAQs here. It’s easy, and no additional cost to you, and will help your favorite organization. Happy shopping!

4 thoughts on “Shopping Season: AmazonSmile

  1. Jim Grey says:

    I wish I didn’t have to shop at Amazon. I don’t like the dehumanizing ways they run their warehouses. (One is ten minutes from where I’m sitting now.) But my life is too busy to actually go to the store to do Christmas shopping, so Amazon it is.

  2. ascousins says:

    I’m under the impression–is it false impression?–that some of the shops you can choose from at Amazon are actually locally-owned smaller scale stores. How can you know for sure?

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